Friends are God's way of taking care of us.
- Author Unknown -
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.
- Author Unknown -
Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.
- Eleanor Roosevelt -
A friend is like a four leaf clover,
hard to find but lucky to have.
- Samantha Rosales -
Parents start you off on life
but friends get you through it.
- Dee Chou -
Good friends share good times,
but great friends divide pain.
- Michelle C. Ustaszeski -
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg
even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
- Bernard Meltzer -
Two may talk together
under the same roof for many years,
yet never really meet,
and two others at first speech
are old friends.
- Author Unknown -
- Author Unknown -
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.
- Author Unknown -
Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.
- Eleanor Roosevelt -
A friend is like a four leaf clover,
hard to find but lucky to have.
- Samantha Rosales -
Parents start you off on life
but friends get you through it.
- Dee Chou -
Good friends share good times,
but great friends divide pain.
- Michelle C. Ustaszeski -
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg
even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
- Bernard Meltzer -
Two may talk together
under the same roof for many years,
yet never really meet,
and two others at first speech
are old friends.
- Author Unknown -
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