Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Government Website"

The Department of Agrarian Reform

Department of Agrarian Reform is the lead implementing agency of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). It undertakes land tenure improvement and development of program beneficiaries. DAR conducts land survey in resettlement areas. It undertakes land acquisition and distribution and land management studies. The DAR also orchestrates the delivery of support services to farmer-beneficiaries and promotes the development of viable agrarian reform communities.
D A R M i s s i o n
"To lead in the implementation of agrarian reform and sustainable rural development in the countryside through land tenure improvement and provision of integrated development services to landless farmers, farmworkers and small landowner-cultivators, and the delivery of agrarian justice".
DA R V i s i o n
"A nation where there is equitable land ownership and empowered agrarian reform beneficiaries who are effectively managing their economic and social development for a quality of life".

DOLE is mandated to promote gainful employment opportunities, develop human resources, protect workers and promote their welfare, and maintain industrial peace.

Programs and Projects
The DOLE has adopted as its unifying program theme the promotion of Employment. Under Chapter 9 (Labor) of the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010, the Department adopted four major strategies:
  • Support for Employment Generation (Promotion of Employment and Manpower Development)
  • Employment Facilitation (Promotion of Employment & Manpower Development)
  • Employment Preservation (Maintenance of Industrial Peace)
  • Employment Enhancement (Workers Protection and Welfare)

The General Administration and Support Services program of the DOLE backstop all of the above strategies.

Support for Employment Generation

While the DOLE recognizes that the private sector is the primary engine of economic growth and that other government agencies that promote development through investments and infrastructure are the more significant employment generators, the DOLE still contributes in this area by providing bridging or transition opportunities, especially to the vulnerable sectors, to help them graduate into more productive, remunerative, secured or more formal employment or livelihood.

While the DOLE recognizes that the private sector is the primary engine of economic growth and that other government agencies that promote development through investments and infrastructure are the more significant employment generators, the DOLE still contributes in this area by providing bridging or transition opportunities, especially to the vulnerable sectors, to help them graduate into more productive, remunerative, secured or more formal employment or livelihood.

The Department of Finance

In mammoth organizations - corporations, conglomerates, multi-nationals, governments-the indispensability of a central finance office to manage and mobilize resources is a truism. Without logistics and financial support "when needed, where needed", operations would be paralyzed in no time.

That the birth of the Department of Finance predated that of the Philippine Republic is testimony to its importance. Founded on 24 April 1897 by the Philippine Revolutionary Government, the DOF has undergone various structural and functional overhauls, but has nonetheless remained a key department. Today, the critical tasks of revenue generation, resource mobilization and fiscal management rest on the shoulder of the Department of Finance.

The government must provide the citizenry with infrastructure, education, health and other basic services; and the DOF must be ready with the funds for them. Likewise, the DOF must steer fiscal programs toward an investment-friendly environment, which is the catalyst for growth.

In mammoth organizations - corporations, conglomerates, multi-nationals, governments-the indispensability of a central finance office to manage and mobilize resources is a truism. Without logistics and financial support "when needed, where needed", operations would be paralyzed in no time.

That the birth of the Department of Finance predated that of the Philippine Republic is testimony to its importance. Founded on 24 April 1897 by the Philippine Revolutionary Government, the DOF has undergone various structural and functional overhauls, but has nonetheless remained a key department. Today, the critical tasks of revenue generation, resource mobilization and fiscal management rest on the shoulder of the Department of Finance.


  • A strong economy with stable prices and strong growth;
  • A stable fiscal situation with adequate resources for government projects and budgetary which could be adequately financed;
  • A borrowing program that is able to avoid the crowding-out effect on the private sector, and minimizes costs;
  • A public sector debt profile with long maturities and an optimum mix of currencies that minimizes the impact of currency movements;
  • A strong economic growth with equity and productivity

Our economy must be one of the most dynamic and active in the world, globally competative and onward looking. The DOF shall take the lead in providing a solid foundation for the achievement of this objective, by building a strong fiscal position, through the following:

  • formulation, institutionalization and administration of sound fiscal policies;
  • improvement of tax collection efficiency;
  • mobilization of adequate resources on most advantegeous terms to meet budgetary requirements;
  • sound management of public sector debt;
  • and initiation and implementation of structural and policy reforms.